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Queer urbanisms in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany : of towns and villages
ISBN: 3031465768 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,

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Le désir est un sport de combat
ISBN: 9782383411260 2383411264 Year: 2024 Publisher: Paris: Arkhê,

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« Je ne suis pas ton colocataire », « J'ai mal à la tête », « Pas ce soir » : l'affaiblissement du désir sexuel chez les femmes et son intensité chez les hommes sont une importante source de conflit conjugal. Mais d'où viennent vraiment ces différences ? Encore récemment, une vision biologisante les décrivait naturelles, innées et inéluctables. Depuis quelques années, elles sont interprétées sous le prisme de la domination masculine : les femmes n'auraient pas moins de libido mais seraient empêchées de l'exprimer. Cependant, la régularité et la persistance des tensions autour du désir invitent à approfondir cette réflexion. Sans nier le rôle des facteurs interpersonnels, cette enquête déplace le regard vers des éléments structurels. En scrutant les processus sociaux qui participent à l'apprentissage du désir et à la production des tensions conjugales, elle montre comment le désir s'apprend, se construit et peut, sous certaines conditions, s'exprimer de manière plus apaisée. Le désir sexuel et le plaisir se construisent socialement. Et ils s'apprennent. Les discordances entre les femmes et les hommes ne sont donc pas une fatalité. En soulevant le voile sur le poids des structures sociales, ce livre offre des pistes libératrices pour éclairer notre propre expérience et penser un plaisir commun.

Sex, sexuality, and the constitution : enshrining the right to sexual autonomy in Japan
ISBN: 0774868163 9780774868150 0774868155 9780774868167 Year: 2024 Publisher: Vancouver: UBC Press,

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"Sex and sexuality are an integral part of human life and vital for the survival of the human race, but sexual freedoms in many countries have yet to be enshrined as constitutional rights. Focusing primarily on Japan, Shigenori Matsui explores the extent to which governments should be allowed to restrict or influence sexual autonomy. Should a constitution encompass rights including: to decide or change sexual or gender identity; to have children, through natural birth or through medically assisted reproduction; or to not have children, through access to abortion? This rigorously detailed legal analysis has implications for government policy in all countries facing similar issues."--


Sexual rights --- Sex and law

Queer ministers' voices from the Global South : "a burning fire in my bones"
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781032372433 1032372435 9781032391816 1032391812 Year: 2024 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge,

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This book brings together the narratives of diverse ministers from the Global South in order to show that queer theologies are impacting in many parts of the world and queer lives are moulding and enriching Christian ministry. Across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, we are witnessing the emergence of queer faith-based communities in very different contexts and with very different histories. The perspectives included in the book form a tapestry that honors diversity among the Global South's queer communities and ministries. They demonstrate the various ways in which queer ministry challenges and changes theological understanding as well as religious practice. Each chapter highlights issues pertaining to liturgy, sacraments, pastoral rites, and the personal faith journey that each minister underwent to foster pastoral queer theologies. Contributors focus on their understanding of the relationship between faith and sexuality, how rituals relate to the daily lives of queer believers, and the struggles they face within the political structures of religious institutions. The narratives highlight some of the challenges and mechanisms deployed to cope with ingrained LGBTIQ+phobia. They also evidence how communities enact interreligious and multi-religious dialogue and rituals while honoring faith and activism, and how prophetic ministries counter oppressive discourses and colonial performativities. This is a valuable resource for academics and religious leaders interested in the study of queer theologies, Asian, African, and Latin American Christianity, as well as ecclesiastical and liturgical issues.

Textbook of contraception, sexual and reproductive health
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781108961097 1108961096 9781108958622 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press,

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The purpose of sexual and reproductive healthcare should be the enhancement of personal relationships and a healthy sex life and not merely counselling and care related to procreation or sexually transmitted infections. Providing practical and evidence-based guidance, this textbook follows the curriculum of the joint EBCOG and ESCRH examination in Contraception and Sexual and Reproductive Health . Coverage is comprehensive, allowing readers to gain an in-depth understanding of each topic. Written by trusted experts in the field, topics covered include contraception, infertility and sexual dysfunction, sexual violence and STIs. The text provides advice and practical tips for how to practice patient-centred counselling and shared decision-making. Improving the relationship between the patient and healthcare-provider leads to increased trust, adherence of advice and more satisfactory treatment for the patient.

The Queer Museum : Radical Inclusion and Western Museology
ISBN: 9781040017593 Year: 2024 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge,

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The Queer Museum examines how relationships between institutions and LGBTQ+ communities function and how they help to define queer museum practice.

Global LGBTQ activism : social media, digital technologies, and protest mechanisms
ISBN: 1003395805 1003395805 100096387X Year: 2024 Publisher: New York, NY : Routledge,

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Focused on understanding and analyzing LGBTQ activism and protest globally, this edited collection brings together voices from different parts of the world to examine LGBTQ protests and their impact.

Gendered Infrastructures : Space, Scale, and Identity
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781959000099 1959000098 Year: 2024 Publisher: Morgantown, West Virginia : West Virginia University Press,

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A Badge of Injury : The Pink Triangle As Global Symbol of Memory
ISBN: 3111067718 Year: 2024 Publisher: Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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A Badge of Injury is a contribution to both the fields of queer and global history. It analyses gay and lesbian transregional cultural communication networks from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing on the importance of National Socialism, visual culture, and memory in the queer Atlantic. Provincializing Euro-American queer history, it illustrates how a history of concepts which encompasses the visual offers a greater depth of analysis of the transfer of ideas across regions than texts alone would offer. It also underlines how gay and lesbian history needs to be reframed under a queer lens and understood in a global perspective. Following the journey of the Pink Triangle and its many iterations, A Badge of Injury pinpoints the roles of cultural memory and power in the creation of gay and lesbian transregional narratives of pride or the construction of the historical queer subject. Beyond a success story, the book dives into some of the shortcomings of Euro-American queer history and the power of the negative, writing an emancipatory yet critical story of the era.

Intellectuel.les queer : collaborations (1880-1920)
ISBN: 9782800418568 Year: 2024 Publisher: Bruxelles Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles

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Ce numéro de Sextant analyse la manière dont les intellectuel·les queer collaborent et s'entraident dans le contexte européen de la Belle Époque dans leurs entreprises de création et de diffusion de leurs publications. Colette, André Gide, Natalie Clifford Barney ou encore Georges Eekhoud : autant d'intellectuel·les queer qui n'ont pas hésité à parler de leurs amours et à les défendre dans leurs écrits à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle. Leur engagement ne se forme pas dans un vide, mais fait partie de toute une société dite « marginale » à l'époque, dont les membres se retrouvent par le biais de leur militantisme en faveur du droit à aimer librement. Ce numéro de Sextant analyse la manière dont les intellectuel·les queer collaborent et s'entraident dans le contexte européen de la Belle Époque dans leurs entreprises de création et de diffusion de leurs publications. Les études rassemblées ici explorent les multiples formes qu'ont prises leurs collaborations ainsi que les représentations différentes des amours queer dans la littérature et la vie intellectuelle auxquelles leurs œuvres et leurs échanges ont donné lieu. Ce faisant, ce numéro met au jour des parcours et des engagements d'intellectuel·les queer méconnus et interroge également la construction de formes inédites d'expression d'une identité sexuelle partagée.

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